Some Days are Easier
I think it’s a given really that in life we have some days that are easier than others. Some days that mean that going to work, going to the gym, giving someone support or even just getting out of bed, is easier because you have a spring in your step and the positive head screwed on.
This couldn’t be truer on the mat too, where I’ve recently had some very heavy, tired practices. A practice where even from the beginning, I find my arms shaking and unwilling to support my body, and where any forward folds turn a bit lazy because of everything just feels that much tighter. I usually start my practice a little tired but when it doesn’t get better by the start of Surya Namaskara B, I kind of know what sort of ride I’m in for.
When tiredness in both body and mind come in, it can be difficult to snap out of it because remaining tired is easier. Similarly when it comes to deeper emotional work, some days are easier. There are some days where I feel so content and happy, others where I wish things were entirely different, and then others where I’m not even sure of what I want! On these days, I try (very hard) to remind myself that firstly, its ok not to be sure and secondly, that all you can do is remain open to everything. Part of my own meditation is to write things down in a notebook I have. It acts as a non-judgemental outlet for me to clear some foggy confusion that’s been whirring around my head for a bit too long.
Remaining open, in head and heart, is what I’ve learnt to be key during some confusing and difficult times. Giving yourself space to be so confused is a kind act to yourself, but also, staying open so that you give yourself a real chance of wiggling out of that tight spot is equally important.
When I practice, one of the things I consistently have to remind myself is to be open. Approach each asana like it was anew, like I’ve never had it before, particularly those challenging gateway postures that always become harder if I’m tired and going through things. This sort of attitude has given me the space I need to mess up, and try again using different methods with patience.
At the end of the day, only you can make yourself feel better and it’s how you go about changing your attitude to promote positivity which is key. Those hard, tiring, achey days can be made easier if you can give yourself a slightly lighter perspective. I don’t expect myself to do a complete 180 and love everything that I see on those days, I just try to feel lighter.