
Spicy Carrot Fritters


I never really buy bags of carrots or even more than two at a time because I’ve always found them a little dull. I love them for a base for stews and anything needing slow cooking, or for coleslaw and any other very specific dish, but otherwise they inspire very little. But now that I’ve subscribed to OddBox, lots of carrots (from what I can tell so far) are a mainstay and for good reason. They are very good for you, there’s loads about that look weird or rude so don’t make the supermarkets and we can grow them here. It’s meant I’ve had to up my game from just the default roasted carrot side dish. Enter, carrot fritters.

This recipe is loosely based on Nigel Slater’s, but I added a few changes for extra nutrition and flavour.


  • A lot of carrots, grated (about 7-8 medium)

  • 4 spring onions, chopped

  • 1.5 heaped tbsp plain flour

  • 2 tsp chilli flakes (or to taste)

  • 1 bunch fresh coriander, chopped

  • 1 egg

  • 1 tbsp Greek yoghurt

  • Salt and pepper, to taste

  • 2 tbsp oil for frying


  • Put all of the ingredients except the oil in a big bowl and thoroughly combine.

  • Check if when squeezing a golf ball size of the mixture, it mostly binds and stays together. There will be some straggly strands but that’s fine, we just want to avoid a shapeless non-heap. If it’s the latter, add half a tablespoon of flour, mix thoroughly and check again.

  • When at the right consistency, heat a heavy based frying pan with oil. We need the oil hot so give it time. It’s ready when you put a carrot sliver into the oil and it gently sizzles. Not smokes or burns instantly. Let it cool a bit if this is the case.

  • Take that golf ball carrot mixture and gently place in the pan. Follow with a few more around the pan, leaving plenty of room in between.

  • Using a spatula, gently and evenly press down on each mound so they’re more disc shaped. And then as the wise Nigel says, leave it alone to form a good crispy side before playing around and flipping it. Do this too soon and it’ll turn into a mess.

  • After a good 4-5 minutes on a low-medium heat and gentle sizzling, check on the first fritter’s crispiness before turning and pressing down. Do the same for the rest. Again, leave this side to form a crispy side.

  • When they’re each done, put them on a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess oil, and start on the next batch while eating these fresh ones.